7 Nights Tanzania Elewana Safari Program

Essential Guidelines

Passport and Visa Requirements: Ensure your passport has at least two blank pages and is valid for a minimum of 3 months from your entry date into East Africa. Verify visa entry requirements with your local embassy for all countries on your itinerary Yellow Fever Vaccination: If arriving from an endemic area, yellow fever vaccinations are mandatory. Please ensure you have the necessary documentation. Baggage Allowance: For scheduled/private charter flights within East Africa, baggage allowance is typically limited to 15kgs. Soft-sided, duffle type bags are recommended due to limited space in aircraft cargo compartments. Tipping: While not mandatory, tipping is appreciated for satisfactory service. For transfer and tour driver/guides, a suggested amount is $5 to $10 per person per day. For multi-day journeys, consider tipping at the end of the trip. Group tipping arrangements can be discussed with your consultant. Health Precautions: Emergency medical insurance is advised prior to your East Africa visit. Malaria is prevalent; take prophylactics before and after your trip. Avoid tap water; bottled water is safe. Consider travel insurance covering accidents, illness, or hospitalization. Temporary membership in the East African Flying Doctors' Service is recommended for safari-goers. Electricity Specifications: East Africa operates on a 240-volt 50 cycles power supply. Plug sockets are typically 13-amp 3 pin square (British type). Payment Methods:  Most establishments accept international credit cards, but rural shops may not. Traveler's checks from American Express, Thomas Cook, Visa, and MasterCard are widely accepted. Clothing Recommendations: Lightweight casual clothing is suitable year-round, with a jacket or sweater for cooler mornings and evenings. On safari, opt for neutral-colored attire. Essential items include a sunhat, sunglasses, sunscreen, and insect repellent. Don't forget swimwear and binoculars. Note any dress codes for city restaurants and clubs.


Upon your arrival at Kilimanjaro International Airport, your designated transfer driver guide will greet you following immigration and baggage retrieval. You will then be transported by road to Arusha Coffee Lodge for your overnight stay.
Accommodation arrangements include bed and breakfast.
• Distance from JRO to Arusha Hotel: 45 kilometers
• Estimated driving time: Approximately 1 hour (Subject to traffic conditions)

Meal Plan: Bed and Breakfast
Room type: Plantation Room
Overnight: Arusha Coffee Lodge
For more details, visit: [Arusha Coffee Lodge] (https://www.elewanacollection.com/arusha-coffee-lodge/at-a-glance)

Elewana Arusha Coffee Lodge: A Retreat Amidst Nature's Bounty
Nestled within the verdant foothills descending from Mount Meru lies the bustling town of Arusha. Amidst this lively ambiance, concealed within one of Tanzania's largest coffee plantations, lies the tranquil haven of Arusha Coffee Lodge—a perfect sanctuary for pre or post East African safari relaxation.

At 0830 hours, following breakfast, you will receive packed lunch boxes before embarking on a road journey to Tarangire National Park.
Distance from Arusha to Tarangire: 140 kilometers
Estimated driving time: Approximately 3 hours

Enjoy a safari game drive within Tarangire National Park, followed by a return to the lodge for dinner and overnight stay.
Meal Plan: Full board
Room type: Elevated Guest Room
Overnight: Tarangire Treetops
For more details, visit: [Tarangire Treetops] (https://www.elewanacollection.com/tarangire-treetops/at-a-glance)

Embrace the Enchantment of Elevated Living
For many, childhood reveries were woven with imaginative tales of climbing and playing amidst lofty branches, perhaps even constructing a regal 'sky palace'. It is this essence of whimsical nostalgia that sparkles in the eyes of adults upon their first encounter with Tarangire Treetops. Serenely situated on the cusp of Tarangire National Park, Tanzania, Tarangire Treetops invites guests to embark on a dreamlike retreat amidst nature's embrace.

Enjoy another day exploring the wonders of Tarangire National Park with both morning and afternoon safari excursions.

Tarangire National Park:
Discover the hidden gem of Tarangire National Park, spanning approximately 2,850 square kilometers in the northern region of Tanzania. Renowned for its abundant elephant herds and majestic baobab trees, this diverse landscape offers a unique safari experience unlike any other in the traditional northern circuit.
All meals will be provided at the lodge.
Meal Plan: Full board
Accommodation: Elevated Guest Room
Overnight Stay: Tarangire Treetops

Begin the day with breakfast at the lodge, followed by the collection of packed lunch boxes as you embark on your journey to Serengeti National Park. Enjoy a thrilling game drive en-route to your accommodation.
Tarangire to Serengeti Distance: 345 kilometers
Approximate Driving Time: 6 hours

• Meal Plan: Full board
• Accommodation: Standard Room
• Overnight Stay: Serengeti Migration Camp

Explore Elewana Serengeti Migration Camp:
Experience the awe-inspiring beauty of Serengeti National Park, globally renowned for hosting the most spectacular wildlife phenomenon on earth. Join the annual migration of hundreds of thousands of animals and immerse yourself in the magnificence of nature's grandeur.

Today's itinerary is dedicated to exploring the wonders of Central Serengeti National Park.
• Option 1: Begin your day by obtaining lunch provisions from the camp, then embark on a full-day safari excursion, returning to the camp around 5:00 PM.
• Option 2: Alternatively, after breakfast, embark on a morning game drive, return to the camp for lunch, then head out again for another safari adventure at 4:00 PM.
Central Serengeti National Park stands as a renowned wildlife sanctuary, celebrated for its natural splendor and scientific significance. It boasts the highest concentration of plains game on the African continent.

Your guide will remain adaptable, tailoring the experience based on wildlife movements. Enjoy all meals and overnight accommodations at the camp.
• Meal Plan: Full board
• Room type: Standard room
• Accommodation: Serengeti Migration Camp

Commence the day with an early breakfast at the lodge before gathering lunch provisions for the journey ahead to Ngorongoro.
Enroute, indulge in a game drive within the crater, enhancing your safari experience.
Distance from Serengeti to Ngorongoro: 170 kilometers
Estimated Driving time: Approximately 6 hours. Opportunities for wildlife viewing abound along the route.
Upon arrival, proceed to The Manor for dinner and overnight stay.
• Meal Plan: Full board
• Room type: Manor Suite
• Accommodation: Elewana The Manor at Ngorongoro

The Manor at Ngorongoro, situated in northwest Tanzania, offers a unique blend of East African hospitality and Afro-European architecture. With its 9 luxurious cottages, family cottage, and grand Manor House, it stands as one of the pioneering safari lodges of its kind. Nestled within a 1500-acre Arabica coffee estate, The Manor exudes the ambiance of an elegant up-country farm home, reminiscent of Cape Dutch-style architecture.

Commence your day with a nourishing breakfast at the lodge. Acquire your packed lunch boxes and commence a descent of 2,000 feet into the immense caldera of this dormant volcano. This breathtaking natural amphitheater harbors the most significant concentration of wildlife across the African continent. Majestic prides of lions, elusive black rhinos, and majestic elephants coexist with the fabled Masai tribesmen within this realm. The short grasslands facilitate easy wildlife observation, allowing for intimate encounters. Spend a remarkable morning on the crater floor, marveling at the diverse wildlife within this timeless World Heritage Site.

Return to the lodge for dinner and overnight stay.
• Meal Plan: Full Board
• Accommodation: Manor Suite
• Overnight: Elewana The Manor at Ngorongoro

Embark on a journey back to Arusha, where a delectable lunch awaits you at the Arusha Coffee Lodge.
Distance from Ngorongoro to Arusha: 190 kilometers
Estimated Driving Time: Approximately 3 hours

Following lunch, you will be escorted to Arusha Airport to board your departing flight.

You can send your enquiry via the form below.

7 Nights Tanzania Elewana Safari Program

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