7 Days Uganda Primate & Wildlife Safari Adventure

7 Days


On your arrival at Entebbe Airport, your will be met and welcomed by our representative. He will be your tour and driver guide for the rest of the days you will be in the country. After the interaction and brief introduction, you will be transferred to your preferred Hotel in Entebbe for Overnight stay. Bed and Breakfast

Early morning have your breakfast at the Hotel in Entebbe and depart for Kibale National Park. The Journey will take you through the Western Rift Valley’s Albertine Escarpment as well as the green country side and traditional homesteads of the local people with in the Bunyoro and Toro Kingdoms. Upon arriving in Fort portal, clear days will give you a glimpse of the legendary snowcapped Mountain also famously known as the “Mountains of the Moon” (Mt Rwenzori). Kibale Forest National Park is a home to 13 primate species including the common Mans’ closest Cousins (Chimpanzees). The Forest is also a home to over 325 bird species including the rare Green Breasted Pitta. Arrive at your Lodge in the afternoon set out for a nature and bird walk with in the Bigodi Swamp. The wetland is a project being run by local communities and is much known for its rich diversity of bird species and other primates. It also provides employment and job opportunities to the local youth through tour guiding. Dinner and overnight at your Lodge.

Morning breakfast at your lodge and set out for a half day Chimpanzee tracking experience. You will be transferred to the park headquarters ay Kanyanchu for a 30-40mins briefing and get to know more about the chimpanzees and their ways of living with in the forest. After this, you will then embark on your journey to search for these primates through the forest. On spotting the chimps, you are only given one Hour to be with them as you take videos and pictures. Along the way other primate species can be spotted such as the LHoest’s Monkeys, Red tailed Monkeys, Blue Vervet Monkeys, and Black & White colobus Monkeys among others. Other animals that can be seen are Forest Elephants, Buffalos and a lot of bird species. After the tracking, return to your Lodge for Lunch and afternoon transfer to Queen Elizabeth National Park which is one of country’s best wildlife National parks with over 600 bird species, mammals like Lions, Leopards, elephants, buffaloes and so many others. Dinner and Overnight at your Lodge. Full Board

After an early morning breakfast, depart for your morning game drive in Kasenyi areas. Look out for wildlife animals such as Lions, Leopards, Buffalos, Elephants, Antelopes, Warthogs, Waterbucks, Bushbucks and so on. Lunch and in the afternoon set out for the launch cruise along the Kazinga channel. The channel connects Lake Edward and Lake George. The channel is a home to one of Africa’s largest hippo populations and bird species. this 3hrs boat cruise will enrich you with views of the water loving animals such as Hippos, Elephants, Buffalos, Crocodiles and other antelopes as we as bird species. Return to your Lodge in the evening for dinner and overnight stay.

After breakfast leave the northern side of the park and transfer to the southern sector of Ishasha. Game drive in the mid-morning hours searching for the rare tree climbing lions. Afternoon embark on your journey to the famous Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park. The park is well known for being a habit to the endangered species of Mountain Gorillas. Check in at your Lodge. Full Board.

The day is finally here for your unforgettable life time experience of meeting face to face with the giant mountain Gorillas. You will start your day with an early breakfast at your lodge and then transfer to the park headquarters (Depending on which location you have booked your accommodation) for briefing. There are 4 sectors in which Gorilla trekking takes place with in Bwindi Forest. The northern side of the park is comprised of Buhoma and Ruhija Sector and the southern side comprised of Rushaga and Nkuringo sectors. After Briefing, you will start on your day’s trek. Searching for the gorillas may take like 2-5hrs depending on where they were last spotted the previous day. Once they have been spotted, you will be given one hour to take videos, photos and also get a chance to ask the rangers and the guides any questions about these giant apes. Besides the great Apes, the forest is also a home to other wildlife and bird species such as butterflies, primates, mammals, frogs and so on which all can be seen along the way to the Gorillas. After seeing the Gorillas, you will then head back to your lodge and retire for the rest of the day. The whole day activity can take between 5 to 9hrs. Packed Lunch and hiring porters are highly recommended. If time permits, you will also visit the Ride 4 A Woman project in Buhoma and get a chance to interact with local women and also learn about
their variety of hand work crafts made out of local materials like basket weaving and knitting. Dinner and overnight stay at your Lodge. Full Board

After your breakfast, you will be transferred to the Airstrip in Kihihi for your morning or afternoon domestic flight back to Entebbe with Aerolink Uganda or Bar Aviation. Upon arrival at the Airport, you will check in for your onward flight to your next destination.

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7 Days Uganda Primate & Wildlife Safari Adventure

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